However much I moan about life here there are many worse places to be born and live than the UK. Many a time I've thought how lucky I was to have been born and raised where I was rather than some drought, famine and disease-ridden African country.
But the treatment by the British government of the translators who helped our forces during the struggle in Iraq has made me ashamed to be British. These people live in fear of their lives, many have been tortured and had members of their families killed and threatened. Nearly every other nation, including the US, Australia and Denmark, have allowed and helped them to take up residence, only Britain has severely limited the numbers allowed here and then they have to jump through several layers of bureaucratic red tape. The ones lucky enough to escape here are housed in appalling conditions, they should be treated as heroes however much one might disagree with the war itself.
The next time Britain goes to war and asks locals for help, will we be surprised when there are no takers?